There are four different offenses which come under the heading of Burglary. They include Burglary of a Vehicle, Coin Operated Machine, Building, and Habitation. The punishment for Burglary of a Vehicle or Machine is up to 365 days in County Jail and a $4,000 fine and Burglary of a Building is generally up to 2 years in State Jail prison and a $10,000 fine. Burglary of a Habitation generally is punished as a second degree felony which can result in a sentence of between 2-20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. However, in some cases a Burglary of a Habitation charge can be punished as a first degree felony and a person can receive a prison sentence of between 5-99years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.
219 S. Collins St,
Arlington, TX, 76010
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